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awful mistakes…

2009 March 11
by Anne Dalke

LOL from this NYTimes piece lamenting Doctor-Patient-Computer Relationships:
Awful mistakes may get clicked and pass unnoticed.
Girls may be described as having male genitalia and vice versa.

4 Responses
  1. Baibh Cathba permalink
    March 12, 2009

    This is an amusing piece, why is it such a “horrible mistake”? Is it that there are certain biological differences in young children that require a different course of treatment if the child is male or female, or is it the fear that one’s identity is sinking into the morass of data in the medical world?

    😛 According to the respondents, it seems as if this gender identity issue is due to lack of “doctor-patient” connection. Why is this a concern? Is it the fear of technology taking over again?

  2. Anne Dalke permalink*
    March 13, 2009

    I guess what I noticed was that–in an article devoted to the fear of loss of personal attentiveness, that may come w/ doctors’ increased use of computers–the egregious default examples evoked were those of mistaking males for females, and vice versa–> “mistakes” that (we now know) were common long before computers found their way into examining rooms…

  3. Baibh Cathba permalink
    March 14, 2009

    Oh! Okay, that makes sense, and makes the response even more amusing ^_^

    It also makes one wonder, what happens if a hermaphroditic child goes through the doctor’s office in this case. Or what about that reference in a previous post mermaid girl that Kalyn made? Wasn’t she actually “neuter” because she didn’t have genetalia?

  4. Roisin Foley permalink
    March 15, 2009

    This reminds me of something that happened to me. Before I came to college I went to the registry of motor vehicles to get a Massachusetts ID card, since I don’t drive, and the one they sent me said I was male, probably due to a clerical error. It was funny, but made me feel kind of slighted, for reasons I can’t really explain.

    I went back, waited another two hours, and had them get me a new one that says I’m female. Now I have two IDs, one that says I’m a man and one that says I’m a woman. The picture, name, date of birth, address and everything else are the same, but the little M/F really got to me. It even had me worrying that it said I was male on my birth certificate and no one had ever noticed; it doesn’t.

    At the time I used it as a joke, but now it’s making me think about the problems that transgendered/intersex people have with the law/insurance etc. in becoming “officially” one thing or another. It was an easy “mistake” but it seemed really crucial to me.

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