Notes Towards Day 10: Contemporary Engenderings of Technology
I. Panelists: please graph yourselves via space, time, class, race, gender, age, occupation before seating/labeling yourselves
II. Coursekeeping
—panels for Wednesday and days following
(grumbling re: meeting deadlines/taking responsibility:
less than 2/3–30–of you signed up)
–reminder re: scheduling a writing conference before break
some “transparent” thoughts about next paper-writing:
consider the differences between
* “top-down” and “bottom up” methods
(Cat: characters made it easier for me to visualize
what I had learned from the theory-rich texts)
(Ruth: theory really is useful. It helps us to examine how we think, and why we think what way, and how we understand the world…. it helps us to question the very notions of accuracy.)
* “inside-out” and “outside-in” pov’s
(Kathryn Janeway/Hlin on the
“gender propaganda” that is Barbie&Ken)
—Pattern slowly emerging for the three weeks after break
(less than 1/2 of you–20–voted…)
—Many relevant events to attend/learn from/report back on…
III. Today’s (contemporary) introductions:
IV. 15 (also contemporary) performances,
moderated by “self-made man” Norah Vincent (Anne):
Anna Wintour (Anna)
Nadya Suleman (Michelle)
Overbrook Elementary Computer Science teacher (Ruth)
Wenza Ali Mutlaq (Shikha)
Emily Gould (Hannah)
Waris Dirie (Nat)
CompSci Faculty (Diane)
Benazir Bhutto (Natasha)
Judith Butler (Roldine)
Meg Whitman (Kalyn)
Sally Ride (Aline)
Mineko Iwasaki (ZY)
Valentina Tereshkova (Cleo Calbot)
Adrienne Rich (Melinda C)
Martha Coston? (Julia)
V. Framing this as a conversation with our blog/audience members,
who have posed some great questions:
AH on revisiting the”omitted axes of differentiation” to get a better grip on the technologies that forged these personalities/stories:
Location (U.S./Europe?)
Class (Upper/upper middle?–>more flexibility?)
Race (generically Caucasion)
Humanoid (striking gaps in portrayals of technological possibilities…!)
Hlin on that darn fictional panel:
something many of us had in common was a high degree of destructiveness…an indicator of the creators’ sense of apprehension of our developing relationship with technology…..Last month, I had the misfortune of getting my personal laptop hacked….I felt angry and violated, handicapped and incomplete, because my computer is an extention of me. So, I think we already have a symbiotic relationship with technology….it has altered our human identities. And to me, that’s kind of unsettling.
Alexandra, who had gotten very caught up in the
idea of technology as an extension of humanity:
But what if we are extending in the wrong direction? (Doctor Manhattan transcends the human condition…He eventually loses all traces of humanity. He has no morality…he is decidedly male.) Could gender be something that is so ingrained in our consciousness that it is impossible to get rid of?…….could we talk about the idea of sex becoming outdated through technology?
If we’re to evolve past sex, will we then evolve past gender, too?
Maddie on the difference between biological and cultural defaults:
without the addition of testosterone, the default sex would be female.
dressing like a man isn’t adding male elements, but stripping away female elements. Is the default gender male?