hello all, I’m a Haverford senior psych major, yet I’ve taken all BMC classes for the past 2 semesters, fancy that. I’m from (northern) Virginia and I’ve lived there my whole life, in the same house that my mom grew up in — but she lived in the 3 bedroom suburban cottage with her family of 9, not 3. I do have two sisters; one is 23 and one is 33 and they both have their own homes elsewhere on the east coast. As for next year, I am looking into jobs in clinical psychology, most likely in the DC or Boston area. my dream job would be doing clinical work with mentally ill prisoners, but we’ll see how that goes… During the summers I am a director at a camp for adults with severe emotional, mental and physical disabilities, and I wouldn’t trade that for the world.
I’ve never taken a class like this before, the topic is so far very intriguing. It is interesting to think about gender and technology as separate entities, but in this day and age the subject becomes exponentially more interesting when one is looked at through the eyes of the other. One topic that ABSOLUTELY gets me is plastic surgery. I can’t watch enough plastic surgery shows, I am absolutely amazed at the sheer power of technology to recreate, “correct” and redefine the human body. I really like discussing it with people who have very conservative or religious views of the topic– I’m from a religious family myself, but i enjoy hearing what different people have to say about plastic surgery in general.
Another issue somewhat along those lines that fits perfectly under the heading “gender and technology” is IVF; in-vitro fertilization. WOW. When I was 18 I applied to donate my eggs to infertile couples and I was truly crushed when I didn’t make it through the last phase of the screening process– They strongly prefer women who have already had babies, fancy that.
only the topic of gender alone, I feel that I haven’t had a chance to really delve into it like i’m hoping this class will allow. I did an exchange semester at claremont Mckenna, and took a class on sex and violence in the media, and that was a super cool look at sex and at gender as well, but it was not looked at through a specifically gender oriented lense.
that being said, I’m excited to start the semester, and bring with me an opinionated mouth full of a variety of ice breakers. Looking forward to a fun class.
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