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3rd Quarter Feedback

2009 April 7
by Shikha

Feedback is after the break

1. what connections have you seen among all the imaginative representations of gender and technology that we’ve looked @?
The  societies seem Utopic (and may be for some people), but are dystopic for many living in them and if seen from the outside (by the reader/audience). This shows that the “perfection” of utopia is relative.

2. how do these works contribute to your understandings of gender, technology or the relations between them?
In the “utopic” societies we studied, everyone is bound to their traditional gender/class roles. They weren’t particularly happy societies, so it reinforced that forcing people into stereotypes isn’t ideal. Gender itself can be turned into a technology, as we saw in A Handmaid’s Tale. These works reinforced my thinking that the intersection of gender and technology is deep and both affect each other in multiple ways.

3. any other feedback about how the class has been working the past three weeks, w/ all the small group work we’ve been doing? are there other things you’d like to be doing in class that we haven’t done yet, or that you’d like to do more of?
I like overview first, then small group work, and then big group discussion format. It brings everything together.

4. what concrete suggestions do you have in particular about wordpress functionality? (Laura and Anne have started a log here….)
I’d like to see the comments I have made. I also wish we had more flexibility with the formatting of our posts and comments.

5. what has your experience been with posting and receiving on-line commentary on your papers?
I haven’t had any problems with it and don’t mind the public comments.

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