Me. As Done by a Computer.
Unlike some of my classmates, I don’t think Second Life is so bad. The problem with virtual “realities” verses other types of technology is that we tend to have higher expectations. I didn’t go into to this with high expectations.
That being said, I seemed to have a pretty good experience in Second Life. I didn’t have any trouble finding people once I entered the game, in fact I HAD trouble being alone. The two most interesting avatars I came across were a robot man and a women with some sort of glowing light rod thing that she kept swinging around. What made them even more interesting is that they were speaking to each other and one o f them was speaking in Portuguese (It was fun and interesting watching the translation ).
One thing that wasn’t all that surprising to me was when you were offered free clothing and other items, the clothing to choose from was very fetishized (at least in the area I was in). At one point I accidentally ended up in a Cheer leading uniform which was awkward, but hilarious.
I didn’t try to talk to anyone although others did contact me (on principle when I am online as an anonymous being I tend to just observe and never comment or contact . . . Laura can tell you this, I’ve been reading her blog for over a year now and have yet to make a comment. Sorry Laura!)
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