Making real money on SL
I was reading CNN’s top headlines in my inbox and found an article on about merging one’s real and online self (how timely!).
It is about an artist who makes $10,000 a year (real money) on Second Life by performing in virtual clubs, CD sales through the site, tips, etc. Apparently there are many artists who make money by doing similar things on SL. They have booking agents, perform in virtual concerts, and even land up records deals with companies (in real life).
An artist was also talking about merging real life concerts with virtual concerts in SL by “setting up projection screens [in real concerts] that let the audience see the parallel concert as it streams into Second Life. In fact, she markets herself through fliers that say “Grace Buford is…Cylindrian Rutabaga in Second Life,” so that her fans can make the connection that she is the same person in real life and on SL.
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