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Utopia update and stuff….

2009 January 30
by Baibh Cathba

another of my favorite comics ^_^
[edit: whoo… sorry was sick for like two days straight and then just managed to eat real food today. Okay, serious commentary time: I found this comic strip intriguing because it shows a woman helping a male caller with his tech problem. At first I thought the humor was going to be about her giving him a super-bug or some sort of tech problem that he’d really need help with, but apparently not. One of my favorite webcomics was Mory’s education, she sets a troll’s computer on fire with her mad programming skills. Girls who can program are hot 😛 ]

and then Utopia…

[edit: okay, the goddess image takes the concept of humanity back to the “earth goddess” roots, while still being somewhat new and altogether creepy. I really like how the babies are mechanical and worshiping a mechanical goddess, it reminds me of worshiping a god of our own creation type thing. I believe that creepiness only adds to the creation of culture (or creation period) because it pushes at the boundaries of comfortable.]

yay images! (I’ll add more when I edit later)

further edits below:
Also check out this video (which is amazingly sexist and “size-ist” if that’s a word) “BEAUTY”

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