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Metropolis Mosaic

Made using Mosaickr. I went through this blog, all the way back to the beginning, and wrote down the general themes in our posts. Then I trolled the internet for what seemed like ages, looking for images which would accurately represent what I got out of each post. Some of them are pretty obvious, and some are more abstract. I also included pictures of everyone’s character or group from both sets of panels (I think I managed to get everyone). I ended up with over 200 images, and I decided to set them to the classic cyborg head from Metropolis. It’s my own way of illustrating the journey that this class has taken me on. I even had a mini-journey into technology during the process, since I spent over a week trying to do this by hand before I thought to ask Laura if there was a program that could do it for me… Oops. It’s a learning process.

I have to do something funky with PayPal to get the high-res image, but hopefully that’ll come through by the end of the day.

EDIT: Ok, so the high res file is way too huge to upload on here. If you want to see the full-size finished project, and maybe even find your panel character (a daunting task, to be sure), go here!

One Response
  1. April 26, 2009

    This turned out nicely. Like SarahElias’s mosaic, this makes me wonder what the mosaic represents. I like that the images are images from the themes and posts from the class. Are you suggesting, then, that the class is cyborgian or that the themes are? How so? Given that we’ve discussed the cyborg as a metaphor or a utopic vision for the relationship between gender and technology, it makes some sense to choose this as the “master image” (love that terminology), but I wonder if you think that it fits and how you feel about that as a representation for your own relationship to gender and technology.

    I have to say that just looking at the image, I find it rather haunting. And perhaps that means that image isn’t a fulfillment, but rather suggests the complicated and fraught nature of the relationship between gender and technology (like Metropolis itself).

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